Stuart Wilde’s Prophetic Vision of Money and the Economy

Below is an excerpt from an article Stuart Wilde wrote over 20 years ago. He understood people and their emotional relationship to money and the way energy flowed. I think he was a too early in predicting much about the changing financial markets but what he was saying then was a warning and now looks pretty spot on — which is quite alarming.

Excerpt from Money and the Economy (June 1998), an article by Stuart Wilde

“The current American economy is often referred to as the Goldilocks economy. Goldilocks was famous for not being able to make up her mind. The US believes that it has discovered the secrets of perpetual economic bliss. The move to globalise commercial activity and free the markets has been taken on by almost every economy in the world. America’s ability to generate technology jobs and the rising US stock markets has convinced economists around the world that the American model is the Holy Grail of economic planning. Central banks all around the world have endorsed their belief in America by selling their gold resources and putting their money in US treasuries.

However, I would remind readers that history indicates conclusively that all booms are followed by resulting busts. Even though this bull market has been steadily moving upwards for well over a decade, there has to come a time when prices cannot go up any further.

The idea of free markets and globalisation initially seemed like a good idea. However, where you have a very mobile labour market, you have greater stress and insecurity. This creates a breakdown in society as cohesiveness is lost and social structures come under pressure…

…You might remember in my book “Whispering Winds of Change” where I talked about how governments fiddled employment figures by leaving out all the people who are sick, changing jobs, in prison and or incapacitated in some way or another. In fact, America’s seemingly full employment isn’t full  at all — if you happen to subtract all the people who are not counted as unemployed…

…The problem with globalisation of markets and the popular idea that “more is best”, is that it increases competitive pressure, reducing social cohesion. It is coupled, more often than not, with the unravelling of the welfare state and a two-tiered system of “haves” and “have nots” develops. That’s a dangerous situation….” — Stuart Wilde

As I have said before Stuart saw the world differently and was way ahead of his time with his ability to perceive the the way energy ebbed and flowed in our dimension.

I wrote an article exactly a year ago about the Blue Wave Money Train, much of which seems to be panning out. The world is awash with cash courtesy of the global central banks money printing folly.

Consequently the investments banks (Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Bank of America, UBS, Credit Suisse, HSBC etc) are gorging on this “free” money as they get to take the cash from the governments at artificially low interest rates and play around with it.

The cash flows into equities and real estate speculation.

It’s getting very silly, but silliness has been the modus operandi for quite some time now. I was in Thailand over 2 years ago and was renting a bungalow from a lady who had a parcel of land on the beach. She said housing is getting more and more expensive and her children would not be able to afford anything. Sound familiar?

Fiercely embedded within the connection from people to money is a huge glob of emotion. It’s where much of the world’s insecurity comes from. I wrote once before that love makes the world go round but money makes it spin faster or slower. We have been experiencing an accelerating debt fuelled binge for decades, with a few pauses. The party goes on. At some point the spiked punch bowl will be taken away. However, the established players can keep it topped up for who knows how long.

If one is saying, “nothing to see here – move along”, here are some other graphs to mull over.

Categories: Money$$

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