An Album of Celtic Exuberance and Beauty

Voice of the Celtic Myth is an album by Greenwood with lyrics and concept by Stuart Wilde and Charlie Shanks. I was in Ireland when it was in production and I remember listening to some tracks with Charlie in his cottage in Wicklow. I loved it and was completely captivated – especially by the last track. It’s a soul stirring celebration of Irish exuberance. During those times I learnt much about music and the business thereof – very valuable experiences.


Back in the UK once the album was officially released, Stuart Wilde and I along with anyone who shared our enthusiasm, would play it a lot. We would often dance to the last track (Triumph in the Gods of Light) – that’s us having some fun in the pic above. We would also do a slow dance to the beautiful second track – The Shining Ones. This was always very moving and wonderfully light hearted.

The tracks are inspired by the story of the mythical gods of Ireland, the Tuatha De Danaan. It tells of their heroic battles with the cruel king Balor and the forces of darkness known as the Fomorians.

Voice of the Celtic Myth is a great dollop of Irish exuberance and love; real food for the soul. If you are interested you can get it HERE at Quiet Earth.

….0r have a listen to some tracks on YouTube.

Explore Stuart Wilde products at Quiet Earth


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